West Rock Winter Extravaganza
Fri, Jan 22
|Virtual Event
How many loops can you do around Lake Wintergreen in eight hours?

Time & Location
Jan 22, 2021, 8:07 AM – 8:12 AM
Virtual Event
About The Event
This event is now a VIRTUAL event
Same idea as last year...
1.6 mile loops around Lake Wintergreen for eight hours. There will be one aid station with all the usual ultra and trail fare provided for you PLUS pizza and prizes and lots of swag. You can still bring weird special stuff like Ensure because I definitely won't have that shit.
You're probably like, "wait, dude- last year it was a $10 fat ass WTF?" and I'm like, "yeah but people want more stuff to bring home apparently and I'm getting TWO PORTA POTTIES this year!" There's gonna be even stuff to take away and you don't have to bring anything except your desire to run for eight hours. Pretty much everyone is getting an award for something. Least loops, most loops, ugliest outfit, best looking, naked loops (please don't), whatever.
Clockwise, counterclockwise, you do you. Just make it up as you go. You will tally your own loops on the "Big Board" and you will have fun. Just be warned that there's a paltry 65 feet of gain on the loop either way you go, so trekking poles are a must.
A portion of every entry will go to support various local organizations like Connecticut Forest and Parks Association, West Rock Ridge Park Association and the Sleepoing Giant Park Association, so in a way it's a fun raiser, I mean fundraiser. Just raising the fun y'all.
Live loud.
Registration open on UltraSignup